Monday 21 March 2011

Traditional nut-cake


75 g flour
50 g butter
4 egg yolks
3.5 dl milk
1 cube of yeast (40 g)
1 packet vanillin sugar (10 g)
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon rum

40 g walnuts
3 dl milk
4 egg whites
100 g sugar
1 packet of vanilla sugar (10 g)

optional raisins

The most important thing in making puff pastry is that you have enough time. The dough will need some time to grow, and it is just and can not accelerate. You can help him only by using foods that are room temperature, and not directly from the fridge .
Heat the milk, but it shouldn't be very hot, crush and stir sugar and yeast.
In another bowl place the flour, butter, egg yolks, vanilla, rum, lemon and add yeast. Knead the dough but do not crush it, but turning it bottom-up in order to rest him as much air. You need to tumble it until becomes quite smooth, and doesn't stick to hands and bowl. it is very soft, add a little flour. Make a nice ball, leave it in a bowl, lightly sprinkle with flour and cover with a clean cloth. Place the bowl on the place where it will not move the next hour. It is the time that dough needs to lift and get double size.
In the meantime, grind the walnuts, add sugar and vanilla, stir, and pour with hot milk. When the mixture has cooled slightly, stir in the egg whites.
If you like sweet, add more sugar or honey. It all depends on personal taste.
Spread margarine or butter a deep baking pan and sprinkle flour on it.
Put the dough from the bowl onto a lightly floured surface, divide into two parts and roll out an inch thick. with half of the stuffing (do not put on to the edge, because when you twist the dough stuffing will go out). If you want you can sprinkle with raisins. Carefully roll traditional nut-cake, and gently put it in a baking pan. Do the same is the second half of dough.
Turn on oven to 180 °C and bake for 45-50 minutes.

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