Sunday 20 March 2011

Nevruz " New day" The first day of Spring March 21

Nevrūz ("New Day", originally "New Light") is the name of the New Year in Iranian calendars and the corresponding traditional celebrations.[2] Nowruz is also widely referred to as the Persian New Year
Nowruz is celebrated and observed by Iranian and Afghan peoples and the related cultural continent and has spread in many other parts of the world, including parts of Central Asia,Anatolia , Caucasus, South Asia, Northwestern China, the Crimea and some groups in the Balkans. Since the Achaemenid era the official year has begun with the New Day when the Sun leaves the zodiac of Pisces and enters the zodiacal sign of Aries, signifying the Spring Equinox.
The Jewish festival of Purim is probably adopted from the Persian New Year.[8] It is also a holy day for Sufis, Ismailis, AlawitesAlevis,
The first day on the Iranian calendar falls on the March equinox, the first day of spring. At the time of the equinox, the sun is observed to be directly over the equator, and the north and south poles of the Earth lie along the solar terminator; sunlight is evenly divided between the north and south hemispheres.

Today, the festival of Nowruz is celebrated in many countries that were territories of, or influenced by, the Persian Empire: Iran, Various Iranian Peoples including Kurds, Afghanistan, parts of the Middle East, as well as Turkic people who lives  in the former Soviet republics of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakistan, and Kırgızstan
  Also duiring the influence of Ottoman Empire in Balkans,Bosna,and  Crimea ( South of Ukraine) and east costs of Romania ( Dobruja) Nevruz became traditional fest,today  İt celebrates  in Bosna Hercigova,Kosovo and also in Albania Sultan Nevruz is celebrated as a mainly mystical day by the Bektashi sect ( an İslamic-Alevi sect), and there are special ceremonies in the Tekke led by the clergy and large meals are served there. They celebrate this day as the birthday of Ali. ( 4.Khaliphate and Nephew of Prophet Muhammed) Also all Albanians celebrate a secular version of Nevruz, called Spring Day. 
Nowruz is also celebrated by Kurds in Iraq and Turkey 

. A tradition celebrated as Turkey, as official holidays in Turkish Republics, since 1995 by the Republic of Turkey Day has become recognized as one day. Turks from Ergenekon to melt iron mountain and exit, the arrival of spring, represents the awakening of nature. By Turkish tribes BC 8. century to the present day is celebrated every year on March 21.
                                                           Nevruz Eggs

We celebrate the nevruz the first day of spring . İn the celebration field  The traditional  Nevruz fire burned  Nevruz tradition  is to jump over  this  fire

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