I wish you all a really nice vacation and, if you wish so, we may meet again next school year.
I've got to thank everyone for the really nice cooperation and sharing of projects, feelings and love.
COSTAS - 20th High School of Patras.
A European Etwinning Project
Peel and laminate the garlic
wash and chop the peppers,
wash, remove skin and chop
the tomatoes and wash and
chop meat, or buy chopped.
Put oil in a deep casserole.
Season the meat and
vegetables with salt.
When it starts to heat
add garlic and peppers.
Then add the tomatoes.
Move and work until it is
fried, then add the meat
and brown it with the
When it is brown add hot water to
cook meat about 10 minutes.
When meat is cooked add the rice,
cook it takes 20 minutes.
(At home rice is calculated with a
measure.) Add a pinch of food coloring and
the aromatic herbs. Add water enough to
cook the rice. (two parts of water per rice
measure) When rice is cooked just right,
turned off and allowe to stand for five
minutes and serve.
Enjoy your meal!
By Ángela & Carolina Vellido 1º ESO IES Torre Atalaya Málaga Spain